Dulwich Park’s opening hours are set by Southwark Council and vary according to the time of year. The park opens at 8am and closes at sunset – during the winter it’s 4.30pm and at the height of summer it’s 9:30pm. Details of opening and closing times can be found here, and are shown on all the park gates and noticeboards.

The park has many amenities, including

  • Francis Peek Community Centre is where the park manager’s office is and many children’s and adult classes are held. The hall may be hired and all bookings and availability enquries are handled by IdVerde who can be contacted on 0207 708 2806 from 8.30am to 3.30pm from Monday to Friday.
  • Whippersnappers at College Lodge is open for classes, workshops and parties.
  • The Dulwich Clock Cafe
  • London Recumbents hires bicycles for families, children and people with special needs.
  • Park Boats London offers children and family-sized pedalos and traditional rowing boats on weekends, bank holidays and school holidays (weather permitting) from April-October.
  • Football pitch – booking required (fees and charges apply)
  • Tennis courts – cost £4.37 for 30 mins hire through LTA bookings
  • Outdoor gym – free for public use.
  • Outdoor table tennis – 4 tables available in the play area (there are limited bats and balls available in the cafe, and you are free to bring your own).
  • Cricket nets
  • Bowling green run by Dulwich Park Bowls.
  • Large children’s playground.
  • Dulwich Vegetable Garden community gardening project can be found at the back of Rosebery Lodge near Rosebery Gate. It is open on Wednesdays and Sundays from 10:30-12:30. Maps showing the locations of these facilities are on all the park noticeboards.
  • Toilets are located by the main car park and in the Francis Peek building and the middle of the park behind the café.

Several organisations run outdoor fitness classes in the park, and are licenced by Southwark Council. For details see the information boards in the foyer of the Francis Peek Centre or contact the park manager’s office.

Dulwich Park is one of many unique places to visit in Dulwich. Dulwich offers visitors a perfect blend of culture, art and nature, making it an ideal destination for a day out. With many attractions free, Dulwich is the perfect place to explore. Destination Dulwich  provides a great summary of places to visit and help planning a day out.